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Our Approach to Quality
Our Approach to Quality
The Quality Assurance is one of the leading factors of the modern lab work definition. According to ISO 15189 Medical Lab Accreditation principles and prioritizing patient satisfaction, Synevo Türkiye provides suitable, quick and secure service.
In 2010, Synevo Istanbul Labs were entitled with ISO 15189 Medical Laboratory Accreditation Certificate with 549 test parameters for 5 years from DAKKS, a reputable Germany accreditation agency.Since 2012, Synevo Ankara Lab. has been accredited with the ISO 15189 Medical Laboratory Accreditation certificate with Türkak.
According to Quality Management principles, the Synevo Medical Labs applies the standards, technical background and technological developments it holds at Germany Labs equally at all its labs and guarantees provision of the same quality service at all branches through this approach.
Any tests that are examined at our labs are controlled through internal and external quality programs. We regularly become a member of leading international quality control programs such as INSTAND, DGKL-RfB, EUROIMMUN, RIQAS, Lab-Quality and MLE.
Quality Accreditation With High Standarts
Synevo central laboratories in Turkey are ISO 15189 Accredited Laboratory.



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120 Million
Annual Laboratory Tests